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View Full Version : Answer to this difficult interview question?

12-13-2006, 08:03 PM
At an interview today for a job as a customer service agent for a credi card company, i had to simulate a phone conversation with an annoying client. Here's the background: the pretend lady supposedly called a week ago to increase her credit limit, and it was approved. However, at a store today, her card was refused because it was over the limit. She calls to complain, and when I check her file, I realise the employee who did grant her an increase did not respect the standard procedure (he made a mistake) and so her limit was reset to what it initially was.
Obviously, I must say what the interviewer wants to hear. I told the lady: ok I will increase your limit by 200$ (that's the maximum I am allowed) and I am sorry for your troubles. I did not reveal the reason why her card was refused today, since it's a company mistake and I do not think it would be professional to say it. But the annoying client kept asking me: "The other employee told me the same thing you're telling me today, but it turned out to be untrue. How do I know this time my card will work?" Man was I stunned. I said: "Ma'am, I can't talk on behalf of the other employee (I didnt want to admit there was a mistake). I wasn't there so I can't tell you why that person thought it would work when it didn't. All I can tell you is that I am guaranteeing you right now that it will work." And then they made it more difficult by having that stupid lady insist: "Well how do I know, the other agent told me the same thing? how do I know this time it will work?" Arrrrghhh..I just kept repeating it should work, ma'am, I can assure you. I even suggested she uses her card while I remain on the line.
I'm wondering, was that the good response? What would have been the right thing to answer such a question (she didn't seem satisfied, even after i answered her, she kept asking)? What would you have said?

12-14-2006, 10:00 AM
It is typical! As a client you know that the company/bank made a mistake but they never seem to admit it. And in the end the client was annoying! What about the incompetent employees?

12-14-2006, 03:16 PM
It is typical! As a client you know that the company/bank made a mistake but they never seem to admit it. And in the end the client was annoying! What about the incompetent employees?

That in no way answers my question.

12-15-2006, 01:03 PM
I think you handled yourself pretty well! You've obviously worked at a call center before.

Not being limited by company policy, you could have also offered her your first name, and told her to ask for you if she runs into any more trouble. Or better yet, offer to take a number and promise to call her in a couple of days to make sure everything is OK.

most customers would walk away satisfied from such offers, I think.

Good luck