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View Full Version : Calling after an interview?

12-18-2006, 07:42 PM
I had an interview last Wednesday. I was told that the response would be very quick, probably on friday, at the most on Monday. If I'd be accepted, they will call me, if I'd be rejected they would send me an email. Well, today is Monday night, and I have gotten no feedback. I'm starting to get a little worried. Could it be they've forgotten me?
My question is: is it okay for me to call them and ask what is going on?
And yes, I have checked my junk mail, nothing!

12-19-2006, 08:43 AM
It is very important to follow up. Call them and ask them if they have made any decision and tell them that you like their company and that you think the interview went really well. The best thing to do is to follow up right after the interview, leave a voice mail, send them a quick email but ALWAYS follow up. Sometimes they are not so quick in making their decision and to be honest if you are not selected I don't think they'll call you. So, pick up the phone :)
Good luck!

12-19-2006, 10:17 AM
Yes you should call and follow up. Worst case scenario is they have hired someone else...but....if that person doesn't work out for some reason they may remember "Hey what about that 'nadiahajam' she seemed really interested". just because you made a simple gester of following up with a phone call. It shows initiative and genuine interest in the job. Go for it, nothing bad can come of it.

12-29-2006, 02:21 AM
If the interviewer took 30 mins to interview you. they should be able to give you a 2 minute phone result. "yes/no". unless they specifically told you "they are so busy/don't call back, we will call you".

or can you ask if you can follow up later during the interview??? Thanks