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07-27-2004, 10:49 AM
Is the Cover letter an important part of the Resume sending process?

07-27-2004, 10:55 AM
Definitely! It is very important. It’s a summary of your skills and experience. It’s a brief presentation and must include all your key skills and talents. Often a Resume sent without a Cover letter goes in the trashcan. The job agents don’t waste their time going through your resume if the cover letter isn’t catchy.

07-27-2004, 10:57 AM
If you think that you don't need a cover letter then you are wrong.
A cover letter is a business letter directed to a prospective employer that indicates your interest in employment with an organization. Usually it accompanies your resume, aiming to introduce it. Since resumes arriving without a cover letter are rarely read, think of the resume and the cover letter as a team.
This is very important part of your promotion to the recruiters and future employers. Most of the job agencies are very busy receiving lots of resumes, so you have to find a way to get them hooked. This is why your cover letter has to be a brief resume of your education, top skills and years of experience and will help you to grab recruiters attention so they read your Resume.
Cover letters are typically one page documents.
Here are some examples that you can take a look at before writing your own Cover letter.