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View Full Version : Resume in comparison to CV

04-13-2007, 11:42 PM
I recently moved from Germany to Toronto and I am now looking for a job.
As the application formalities are very different in Germany could you please explain to me which criteria has to be fulfilled by a Canadian resume?
What is the difference between a Canadian resume and a CV?

Thanks a lot.

04-15-2007, 12:32 PM
I would guess the core info is the same, just with different style guidelines. I don’t really know so you would have to explain what’s expected in a German CV. There’s lots of example resume formats online. HRDC funds many places that offer job search, resume writing and interview technique advice. The YMCA runs many of these programs but there are other places too.

From what I understand European CVs contain more personal info than would be expected here. Things like a photo, date of birth and marital status would upset an HR person. Also proof of education (diploma/transcript) and written reference letters are not submitted with a job application.

Also include your legal work status in your cover letter.

04-16-2007, 10:07 AM
Hi, actually the previous poster is right. The CV contains far more personal info than the resume and the structure is different. Here are some resume tips ( that will help you in building your resume.