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View Full Version : Is the term "logical-minded" too colloquial for a Resume?

02-10-2008, 09:19 PM
I want to use the term "logical-minded" in my resume because it's just the right number of syllables to get the sentence's rhythm right. See, I can't use "logical" and slip in an extra adjective without it sounding like a list, and I can't just use "logical" by itself without sounding rather curt and abrupt.
But every time I type out "logical-minded", the alarms bells go off in my head screaming it's too colloquial.

... So is it?

Or is my brain just having a melt-down from doing the nth+1 redraft of my resume? ...

(And does anyone else sweat over absolutely ridiculous stuff like sentence rhythm when writing their resumes, like I do? :( ...)

02-13-2008, 09:40 AM
You have to carefully write your Resume because if it is good you will most likely get an interview. You can have all the experience in the world but without a good resume you are going nowhere.
Take a look at some resume samples and resume writing tips ( make sure the Resume is not longer than 2 pages.