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View Full Version : way to get into SAP domain in canada

01-04-2009, 10:50 PM
Hi friends ,

I am a SAP basis professional with 2 years 6 months experience in this field . My country is India . I am seeking for an life in Canada . but i don't want to go out of SAP

now i have two options to fulfill my dreams , could you advice me on which should i per sue

1 . Can i go for a 1 year professional degree in canada . by the end of that i would be getting work permit for one year . Through which i could find SAP job in canada

2. By being in India shall i search and apply through all Canadian job portals

i am not sure which is the path which would take me there . but my goal is to work on SAP domain Canada

please throw some light

01-05-2009, 09:19 AM
I would suggest to come to Canada and study here. It is much easier to find a job when you are in Canada. To find a job remotely is close to impossible...

01-05-2009, 09:48 PM
I would suggest to come to Canada and study here. It is much easier to find a job when you are in Canada. To find a job remotely is close to impossible...

is there good openings for SAP in canada ?