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View Full Version : Planning to come to Canada - Help Reqd

08-30-2006, 10:56 AM

I am planning to come to Canada in the next couple of years. I am an IT Project Manager and have about 4 years of IT management experience and about 6 years of IT Systems Analysis experience. I am a bit confused for the opportunities that exist in Canada. Some internet sites suggest excellent opportunities for IT professionals, but others like and scare me away.

Please help me in deciding whether to come to Canada or not.

08-30-2006, 11:59 AM
I'm an IT professional and I have never had a single complaint about the Canadian IT market. Why? Because I'm highly skilled and I can get a good job easily. I'm also an immigrant here and I can tell you from first hand experience that there is no racism at the work place as one of these sites claims.

Canada is a capitalist country and the businesses here care about results, not about the color of your skin. If you are highly qualified professional you can get a job, if you are not then it's not going to be that easy. Everybody here is performance oriented and no business likes to hire lazy or incompetent workers.

Do not listen to losers, listen to the winners and be one :).

08-30-2006, 12:51 PM
Good one lookingforjob!

If you have skills and experience you'll get a job. If you have confidence in your abilities come here and make the difference.

Some people are just too lazy to find a proper job and prefer living on welfare and complain that are miserable.

I'm an IT professional and I have never had a single complaint about the Canadian IT market. Why? Because I'm highly skilled and I can get a good job easily. I'm also an immigrant here and I can tell you from first hand experience that there is no racism at the work place as one of these sites claims.

Canada is a capitalist country and the businesses here care about results, not about the color of your skin. If you are highly qualified professional you can get a job, if you are not then it's not going to be that easy. Everybody here is performance oriented and no business likes to hire lazy or incompetent workers.

Do not listen to losers, listen to the winners and be one :).