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4indianwoman 09-24-2007 01:19 PM

going for interview
I am girl. How to dress up while going for INTERVIEW?

Tsveta 10-05-2007 11:09 AM

It depends on the job. If you are going to work in an office environment you should wear a jacket, shirt and a skirt or trousers; preferred colors are black, navy, and gray. The skirt should be below the knee. Just ask your recruiter what to wear.

Avril 10-23-2007 08:06 AM

Also make sure it's comfortable. Wearing something uncomfortable or unfamilar will only just add to your nerves on the day. Don't wear dangly earrings

mark16 01-06-2008 06:16 AM

I agree with Tsveta,

The first look is always the most memorable, so dress business casual. I have many horror stories being on the other side of the interview table interviwing individuals. The ones that dress well are always remembered.

The interview dress code is only one small part to the interview, how you conduct yourself and respond to questions is the biggest. How are your interview skills? I have conducted many interviews within various industries and I can tell you, most decisions are made within the first 1-10 minutes. So make sure you are well prepared and no your techniques. You may want to practise with a friend or family member or perhaps in front of a mirror.

A company that I know well within the human resources network is They offer job preparation services for various companies and individual job seekers. I have been told the online course and inperson services are excellent and very reasonable. You may want to look into a company like HRinmotion to help you prepare. The last thing you want to do is dress the part but not able to answer the questions to the best of your ability.

Good luck in the interview.


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