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Lonzie 03-14-2008 12:12 PM

Post Interview Follow Up
I have a question and a comment regarding post interview follow up. First the comment, I find it very frustrating when you actually get the interview, it goes well and then you hear nothing for days or weeks. If they are interviewing ten candidates or less I would think a quick e-mail or phone call that says yes you are proceeding to the next step and it will take x number of weeks or no your application will not be pursued would not take too much time.

Now the question, do you send an e-mail asking the employer for feedback on the status of your application? I went to an interview, everthing seemed to go great and made the mistake of not asking at the end of the interview what the next step would be and how long it would be before they made a decision. Now I am waiting and wondering if I should contact them to ask for some feedback.

Any suggestions?

Tsveta 03-24-2008 11:58 AM

You have to follow up asap. This is also part of the job hunting process. Following up is an important part after the interview. It shows that you are interested in the job and is an opportunity to speed up the process. I know it is very frustrating when you don't get any call from them but unfortunately this is what most employers do after the interview. It has become some kind of a trend lately...:(
So don't get discouraged and call them the day after the interview. If you were sent there by recruiter, call him/her after the interview.

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