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daufoi 02-06-2009 01:47 PM

Interview advice
Hi all,

I had an interview this past Monday. I really liked the position and the company but it is a 6 month contract. They wanted to hire someone right away. I am working with a temp agency and before the interview the temp agency was telling me that they were holding off on interviewing other candidates until they talked to me.

I asked the company to give me until the end of the week to make a decision because I already had another interview on Wednesday and since they asked, I told them it was a permanent position. However, I did not like the second company or position so on Wednesday I called them back and expressed interest in the first position. They said they have an interview that day and will let me know. I also noticed that they posted the position on a job search engine on that Monday (day of the interview).

It's Friday now and the person I am working with at the temp agency doesn't respond to my email or phone calls. She does this when she doesn't have any open positions for me but it's rush, rush when she had this contract position. Anyway, it seems like they've gone cold. Was it a bad idea to tell them that I was interviewing? I didn't feel like I was asking for too much time. I even thought that if I did interview and still expressed interest in that position it would be a good thing. Selecting a 6 month contract position over a permanent position says something really good about the company. And at the same time I didn't want to be dishonest about it. What do you guys think?

Tsveta 02-27-2009 09:25 AM

You did the right thing. This is what I would do if had two job offers...
A lot of job seekers on our forum complain that the recruiters don't return their emails and phone calls. It is very frustrating, I know! It is really that difficult and time consuming to reply to an email saying - Sorry, they got somebody else for the position.

Sadly most of the recruiters have no people skills...

halo6 03-20-2009 10:39 PM

nobody likes to be second pick
It's all about the employer, and what you can offer them. Employers want to think that they are your top choice. Never make them think otherwise. If you don't, someone else will--and they will get to the front of the line.

What takes people out in many cases is "enthusiasm." If you back off on this enthusiasm, even for your own valid reasons, they may back off on you. Always project the image that they are the most important, if you want a shot.

I respect others opinions on this matter, but this is my experience.

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