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WaqarA 07-04-2008 07:49 PM

Employer is not honest what i should do?
I am an employee of the Security Company from 13th june 2008 Winnipeg, Manitoba. And when i got this job they trained me as a mobile gaurd. I was doing my job properly with not even single mistake. i did my mobile job about 3 weeks.
When i got hired in security company there was one guy who was working in our security company as a mobile without submitting his legal documentation to the company. He didnt submit his Criminal record and Child abuse letter . Why he was working without submitting documents becuause he is a best friend of our operation supervisor. By law i belive you can not work without submit your Criminal record check and Child abuse record check in any security company in Manitoba.
Well when i got hired the HR of my company send operation supervisor's best friend home, because he is failed to submit his legal documentation and they trained me as a mobile gaurd.
After 2 weeks operation supervisor's best friend submitted his legal documents. And after that my opreation supervisor kick me out from my regular schedule without any reason. When i try to asked him what i did wrong that you pull me out from my regular schedule then he didn't have any answer for me. He just said your shift has been filled. I asked him why? then he said his best friend is back so you cant work as mobile no more.

Well my concern that
1 Is any employer can kick employee from the regular schudule just like that without any reason? or his best friend came back that why i can't contiune my job?
2 Now my operation supervisor is not even giving me 24 hours a week becuase of his best friend.
3 My HR of the company don't care about the sitution . :-( he is not interested he simply asnwered me he has no concered about this only thing i can talk to operation supervisor.
4. Plus i got pay check and i found i am missing about 24 hours from it.

As long as i know i got hired earlier then his best friend legally and they cant put anyone who got hired after me on my schedule without they would informed me about it. Other then that there i never call them to say I am sick or i am going for vacation.

please tell me what should i do in this sitution????????????????????:-(((((((((((
where i can get the honest discussion? why my employer is not honest with me?

Administrator 07-07-2008 09:53 AM

You can dispute his decision but I would simply try to find a new job where professionals work. This company looks like it is run by people who don't know how to keep their employees happy and don't care much about them...

lana 11-26-2008 11:09 AM

I would also try to find another job. It is not worth your time and efforts, just move on and find new job.

Swift 12-14-2008 11:22 PM

I hope you are trying to find another job. It doesn't see as though you will ever be treated fairly in this situation with this company.

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