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Tsveta 07-21-2004 02:10 PM

TOP 25 Reasons Why People Don't Get Hired
TOP 25 Reasons Why People Don't Get Hired:

1. Poor personal appearance
2. Lack of interest and enthusiasm: Passive, indecisive and indifferent.
3. Over emphasis on money: interested only in best dollar offer.
4. Condemnation of past employers.
5. Failure to look at the interviewer when speaking.
6. Limp, fishy handshake.
7. Unwillingness to travel or relocate to employers preferences.
8. Late for interview.
9. Failure to express appreciation for interviewer's time.
10. Asks no or poor questions about job.
11. Vague, indefinite response to questions.
12. Overbearing, over aggressive, conceited with superiority or "know it all complex."
13. Inability to express self clearly; Poor voice, diction, grammar.
14. Lack of planning for career; no purpose and goals.
15. Unwilling to start at the bottom; expects too much too soon.
16. Lack of confidence and poise, nervous, ill at ease.
17. Makes excuses, evasive, hedges on unfavorable aspects of job history.
18. Lack of tact or cynical.
19. Lack of courtesy; ill mannered.
20. Lack of maturity.
21. Wants job for short time.
22. No interest in company or industry.
23. Low moral standards.
24. Intolerant: strong prejudices.
25. Inability to take criticism.

bongi 07-21-2004 02:13 PM

Hi Tsveta,

Thanks for the tips! I'll study them and hope they'll help me to find a job sooner. :)

Tsveta 07-21-2004 02:22 PM

Here are more interview tips that might help:

1. Greet your interviewer with a firm handshake and a smile, address your interviewer by name, and make eye contact.

2. Never sit until asked to do so.

3. Ensure you are informed about the position and the organization before your interview. Wherever possible get a job description or review the details of the position. Go to their web site. You should know approximately what the salary range is for the position (particularly if going through an agency). Research the organization and affiliations. Be aware of all products or services.

4. Make sure you are familiar with all dates and information on your resume. Be prepared to go into detail and to give examples of various difficult work situations you have successfully handled.

5. Make sure you know the exact location and how to get there. Get there five to ten minutes early.

6. Dress should be appropriate, businesslike and conservative. Always look successful.

7. You may be asked to talk about yourself, but keep your entire life history for non-business situations! An interviewer is interested in how you and your experience best suit the position and the company. Do not take notes, and do not be concerned if your interviewer takes notes. Never speak negatively about present or previous work situations.

8. At the end of the interview you may have an opportunity to ask questions. Express enthusiasm and interest in the company and the position. Thank the interviewer for their time. You may ask what the next step would be in their hiring process. Do not discuss money/salary during the interview, or ask about benefits and vacation, unless the interviewer brings these subjects up for discussion. End the interview with a handshake.

9. A follow-up note or thank you letter sent after the interview, if you are particularly interested in the position and organization, is a good way to keep your name visible. A follow-up call within a week is a good idea, if you have not been contacted.

10. If an agency arranged the interview for you, call them immediately. It is important for the agency to get your response about the position, before they talk to the employer. A positive response from you can often lead to a positive response from the employer. Keep in touch with your agency.

Bronco 03-01-2006 04:45 PM

So much to remember!
It's hard to abide by all these, but I try to do most of them.

m9dds0ug 10-20-2006 09:13 AM

Super List tvesta
I've got to fit at least a few of those Items LOL Guess I've got some work to do . It is difficult to make changes to your self when you where the one everyone came to for the answers.You automaticaly jump in to the line of fire just like the old fire horse stepping into the harness when hearing the bell.:confused:

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