Job Forum Canada

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RoniN-Vox 05-29-2008 04:47 AM

Startin My Life !
Hi ,

I'm gonna move my life over to your wonderful country [if your government lets me] and i have some questions about how to go about the change.

ATM i'm 19, unemployed, living at home, have some money to my name [not a large amount], i have 6 GCSE's no A levels.
i'm moving away from the UK to Calgary, AB [without the family]
[thats the dream anyway]

First question i'm hoping you can help with is,
Could i luk for a job whilst in the 6 months i'm visiting ?

wud i not be alowd to work at all without a work permit ?

also whats the average living costs for a single male no kids, no car, rent, etc.


Tsveta 05-30-2008 09:04 AM

You need a work permit to work in Canada. It is illegal to work without one. Try to look for job remotely before you come to Canada. Can you support yourself while you are here visiting? Did you contact any recruiters?

RoniN-Vox 05-31-2008 06:42 PM

I havent contacted any recruiters yet, i've looked a some job search websites based in canada mainly calgary but havent seen any sign of international employment offers.

I'm makin a visit Easter 09 in the mean time i'll be trying to save some money and find a job further to save money.

You asked if i'll be able to support myself i have an ISA sumwhere but i'm not sure how much is in it, then in my savings account i have what would work out as nearlly $15,000 CAD, i'm also saving into my current account wich isnt much right now but i had to have some computer repairs done [£150] thers now nearlly $1000 CAD
I shud be recieving an inheritance fairly soon on top of that [$5000 CAD +].
So is that enuf considering my parents/grandparents could pitch in if needed.

Tsveta 06-04-2008 09:55 AM

I still think the best way to come to Canada is to apply for skilled worker immigration. This way you can legally work in Canada. You need a degree and work experience before you apply though.

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