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RSTech 01-22-2008 07:49 PM

Hired my first employee
Well, I took the big plunge and after 3.5 years being self-employed working for myself I just hired my first employee. I have been comtemplating the idea for some time now and finally decided to do it.

I already got worker's compensation set up, that was easy since I already had an account for optional insurance for myself. I also set up a payroll account; did it online. I've contacted my insurance company about my Commercial General Liability policy to see if I have to make any changes. I've been reading up on labour law to make sure I don't infringe on my employee's rights at any time.

Can anyone think of anything I've missed that I should consider? Of course there is lots more to do such as office supplies, equipment, tools, etc. but I mean from a legal point of view.



Tsveta 02-01-2008 02:27 PM

Hi Rob,

Congratulations, this is a big step. I can't think of anything more that you can do from legal point of view.
I hope your business is expanding and you will be able to hire even more employees.

RSTech 02-02-2008 07:10 PM

Thanks, I think I'm just as excited as when I first went into business for myself. I'm really looking forward to it. As for more employees, we'll see; a year ago I said I would never hire anyone. Never say never. The time seems to be right.

igorwruppi 05-30-2009 05:54 AM

Its a great feeling isnt it. :) I had a lot of hesitation before doing that mostly because i really didnt feel very "bossy". But most people are nice and will be very helpful. Otherwise you can just fire them. :)

joberiffic 09-21-2009 10:40 AM

Is it already late for me to congratulate you? well how is your business doing
right now?

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