I believe that you will increase your chances of landing a job if you do the following in this order:
1. Obtain Permanent Residency immigration status via the federal skilled worker programme.
- This will mean for you to go to Canada to do the landing process and then return back to the UK.
- While you are there, you should open a bank account (preferably HSBC or RBC) and apply for your social insurance number.
2. Once you return back to the UK, subscribe for magic jack with a Canadian number. You can obtain this either as a downloadable app to your phone or as a USB dongle.
3. On your CV that you will use to apply for jobs in Canada, Change your UK address to a Canadian one and change your UK contact number to the magic number that was subscribed in 2.
4. Mass distribute your CV to job positions / vacancies in your chosen province.
5. If your prospective employer wishes to meet you in person for an interview, you can kindly explain to them your situation and that you will not require sponsorship or a work permit. If they wish to see you in person, then suggest a skype interview arrangement using webcam conferencing.
This strategy is proven to be effective.